November 17 and 18
I Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Evidence for Policies
Event Goals
The coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated the importance of using evidence to inform governments' prompt response through public policies around the world, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Today we see more clearly that coping with persistent inequalities in the region depends on a coordinated effort of the whole society. The systems of production and use of evidence, as well as their actors in governments, academia, and civil society, need to be more connected, sharing agendas, exchanging tools and co-creating solutions to key social challenges.
In 2022, the Evidence Hub of Latin America and the Caribbean was created, with the aim of promoting the connection and collaboration between stakeholders in this debate. We hope that enLACe 2022 will be the first of many meetings to strengthen our region and advance a common agenda for more informed and effective public policies.
Know existing evidence networks in the region and reflect on ways to leverage them.
Exchange experiences, tools and research on key topics in the region, which point to ways to strengthen the use of evidence to inform social policies and interventions.
Prioritize shared challenges to guide Hub actions over the next two years.
Expected audience (profile)
Representatives of governments, academia, private sector, and civil society in the region, with an interest in the themes of production, dissemination, and use of evidence in social policies and interventions, and processes of knowledge translation. Representatives from other regions interested in sharing tools will be welcomed!
Who organizes the event?
How do you organize, what are the motivations of this partnership?
The event is organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Evidence Hub team, which has shared direction between Instituto Veredas in Brazil, the Unidad de Políticas en Salud Informed by Evidence of the Chilean Ministry of Health, and the Unidad de evidencia y deliberación para la toma de decisiones of the University of Antioch in Colombia.
It has the technical support of the Hub LAC Expert Committee and realization of Camomila Events and Participatory Processes.
Technical support